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* Classes are Currently Virtual Only.
Virtual classes are ideal for working from your home or when keeping up your practice when traveling.


Lucas Pilates NYC separates itself by tailoring classes to the needs of clients in every class. Classical Pilates is not a one size fits all modality. Joseph Pilates customized his work to maximize the effects of his system on each unique body and I strive to do the same by offering rewarding and challenging classes for every fitness level. 


Absolute Beginner

Pre-Pilates and Basic Pilates work. This class teaches the foundation for your life-long Pilates practice. You will learn the principles of Pilates and how they relate to Jospeh Pilate’s work. This class is a safe bet for anyone new to Pilates or anyone who has taken time off from Pilates work for a period of time.


The next step in your Pilates journey. This class builds on the pre-Pilates and basic work, offering  more exercises, a higher number of reps and continued attention to form and where a client “will feel the work”.


This class is for students who are proficient in the beginner exercises and are ready to dedicate themselves to more challenging choreography and deepening their Pilates practice.

Intermediate into Advanced

Students who have “mastered” the Intermediate work and feel comfortable moving into the advanced work are welcome to this class. It requires an understanding of the intermediate choreography and an interest in moving deeper into the work. This class introduces overhead,  twisting and rocking work. It builds the foundation for graduating into the full choreography of the advanced flow mat series.



All levels welcome. A working knowledge of Pilates is recommended. This class can serve as a barometer on where you are in your Pilates practice and works for all levels, as I offer modifications for higher and lower levels of intensity for most exercises.

Advanced Flow

 This class focuses on fluidity of movement and flow following  the classical advanced matwork choreography for advanced students and teachers. This is an “injury-free” class; however, if you have an injury and know your specific advanced modifications, you are welcome to join.

Senior Focused

No matter how strong or active we are, bodies age. This class focuses on “safe” work for seniors, offering modifications and suggestions for a deeper practice for the aging population. This class is also a good option for  any student who has completed PT and is looking for a steady, slow class to return to Pilates.

Pilates for Runners and other Endurance Athletes

Do you spend a lot of time pushing your body for your sport?
This class is for athletes who want to stretch, lengthen and strengthen the
muscle groups often overworked and overstressed in endurance sports.

Click here to read my interview with The Axe

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